Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Things I Wish I Were This Radical At...

So This kid is.... get it, 6.  Watch and then remember what I just said... 6 years-old...For realz.

So what are the things you would love to be this good at 6 or 60, that just haven't happened yet?  Click on the comment blurb to leave your list in the comments.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Great Characters From TV History

I really thought my list here would end up with more childhood characters, but oddly, these are all fairly recent.  So question:  What are the five best TV characters of all time.  While you are here, click on the blurb to leave your comment, and feel free to make a donation to Donor's Choose to help Alan out!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Gross (5)

Public Toilets are fairly gross, but maybe not the worst.  What grosses you out?   Leave your five in the comments section.