Wednesday, August 18, 2010

When I was 12

Here is the list of people that you wanted so bad that you hung their posters in your bedroom, locker, maybe even slept next to (the poster or the actual people if you were the aggressive 12-year old type).

1 comment:

  1. 5. Wil Wheaton--From Stand By Me On I was hooked, even enough to watch some STNG
    4. Anthony Kiedis--I will forever imagine his pec moving slowly up and down as he ran in the Under the Bridge video. I think it was my first image-induced sexual experience
    3. Duff McKagan--Bassist for GNR and all around hot, hot, hot. After my fried Kelly's bro taught me to play a few GNR songs on the drums, I was hooked... he was my guy.
    2. Charles Barkely--it was the source of much Junior High ridicule, but I stand by it to this day. He was a personality larger than anything and he over came any obstacle in his way.
    1. Fred Savage-- He was cute, nerdy, smart and always said the right thing, even if he F'ed up
